Press Release
Communications, Energy and Paperworkers Union of Canada
CEP Frustrated by Moving Goalposts
September 22, 2009
CAMPBELL RIVER – CEP members in Campbell River are frustrated by the latest attempt by
their employer, Catalyst Paper, to blame the workers for the dismal state of the pulp and paper
“What we need is to find solutions for an industry in trouble,” states CEP Local 1123 President
Ian Simpson. “Catalyst seems to think that they can overcome fibre supply and market issues by gutting our collective agreement. We know that there has never been an operation saved when the workers give concessions.
“Catalyst is proposing a massive reduction in wages and benefits but has no suggestions for how
to find better operating solutions for the mill,” continues Simpson. “We have made several
major proposals to Catalyst on reducing labour costs in a variety of ways. Despite the fact that
we have met their stated goal of an $80 per tonne cost structure, Catalyst has now asked for an
additional 40 to 45% reduction in the pay package of our members.”
“What is most upsetting to us is that Catalyst is asking these two locals to cut the throats of their
Brothers and Sisters in other Catalyst operations,” states National Rep Mike Fenton. “If they
were to accept this agreement, Catalyst will permanently shut down another operation. It’s no
secret that they are aiming for a two mill operation.”
“The most frustrating part of all of this is the moving goalposts,” continues Fenton. “We have
been meeting with the employer off and on for months. Once the Locals achieved what the
company had asked for, they would change their position and made more dramatic demands. No
matter what was achieved, it was never enough for Catalyst. It is time for the entire industry,
provincial and federal governments to get together and address the issues that are destroying this industry rather than attacking workers.”
CEP represents 120,000 members from coast to coast in energy, paper, telecommunications,
graphical, media and assorted other industries.
For more information contact:
Ian Simpson, President, CEP Local 1123
Mike Fenton, CEP National Representative